Penyuluhan pedagogi untuk pendidikan dasar pada abad 21 di sekolah Satu atap


  • Ndaru Mukti Oktaviani Universitas Kuningan
  • Arrofa Acesta Universitas Kuningan
  • Adistra Destria Putri Universitas Kuningan


Kata Kunci:

Pedagogi, Pendidikan Dasar, Abad 21


Improving the quality of education in Indonesia faces many challenges in its implementation, starting from increasing learning outcomes, understanding, improving skills and so on. In fact, teachers still use teacher-centered learning. One way to deal with this problem is to apply appropriate pedagogical knowledge. Pedagogy itself is the art of teaching. This of course raises questions about the teacher's ability to innovate learning media in accordance with the demands of the 21st century. Based on the results of interviews with the Head of the Cimulya One Roof School it is known that most teachers still need knowledge about pedagogy that is in line with the 21st century. This condition certainly needs to be addressed to increase teacher professionalism. This is what forms the basis for implementing "Pedagogical Counseling for Basic Education in the 21st Century at the Cimulya One Roof School, Cimahi District, Kuningan Regency". The purpose of this service is: 1. To provide teachers with an understanding of 21st century education 2. To provide teachers with knowledge about pedagogy for basic education.


Keywords: Pedagogy, Primary Education, 21st Century


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