PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) 2024-03-12T06:33:26+00:00 Aseptiana Parmawati Open Journal Systems <p>PROJECT, Professional Journal of English education is published bimonthly by IKIP SILIWANGI Indonesia, this journal represents the field of English Education including but not limited to language teaching and learning.</p> <p>Focus PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) is a media for diseminating the result of research about language and education in English Education. Scope PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) publishes the research article in language, and education in English Education.</p> <p>Since December 13, 2019, the journal has been ACCREDITED by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, the Republic of Indonesia. To improve the quality of articles in the Project journal, then starting at volume 3 issue 1 (January, 2020), templates for Project journal articles are adjusted so that until now using a<a href=";ouid=103701048839769080642&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true"> <strong>new template</strong>.</a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) </strong>is published by Language Education in Indonesia of IKIP Siliwangi, Indonesia</p> <p><strong>Publisher Address:</strong></p> <p>Terusan Jend. Sudirman Street, Baros, Cimahi Tengah, Cimahi City, Indonesia 40521</p> <p><strong>Office:</strong> Building A, 2nd Floor, Room A16</p> <p><strong>Telp./Fax:</strong> (022) 6629913</p> <p>Email:</p> <p>Click to access:Â <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Project Journal</a></p> AN ANALYSIS OF MORAL VALUE AND DEIXIS IN SONG LYRICS “DYNAMITE” BY BANGTAN BOYS 2024-02-21T01:48:05+00:00 Bella Safitri Mundriyah Mundriyah <p>This article aims to find out the kind and dominant deixis found in the song lyrics of Bangtan Boys and to identify the moral value of song by Bangtan Boys for human’s life. The descriptive qualitative method was used to conduct this article. The data of this article were obtained by using documents and library research. The Source of data on this research was song lyrics from Bangtan boys namely “Dynamite”. Based on the results and discussion, the researchers deixis proposed deixis from Yule (1996) was found in BTS’s song lyrics. 56 data that contained deixis, included personal deixis is mostly found in 36 occurrences dominant in this song. The words are I, you, me, we, and my. Spatial deixis those are home, this, the city, and in the mirror which found in 7 occurrences. Temporal deixis is tonight, day or night, night, mortn, when and summer which are found in 13 occurrences. It can be concluded , in song lyrics “Dynamite” the most dominant type used of deixis were personal deixis. The researchers founded 3 types of moral values from the song that are bravely, cooperativeness and thankfulness. The researchers concluded that the moral values in song lyrics “Dynamite” by BTS was living life by doing the best and full of spirit.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) TEACHING WRITING USING DISCOVERY LEARNING 2024-02-21T01:50:29+00:00 Cintia Khoerun Nisa Yanuarti Apsari <p>The objective of this research is to investigate the students’ difficulties in writing using discovery learning. Descriptive qualitative research design was employed in this research. The subject of this research was the eighth-grade students of MTs. Az-Zahra Batujajar in the academic year 2020/2021. The data of this research was obtained from the questionnaire and test. The instrument consists of 5 statements that indicate aspects of writing there were organization, content, grammar, mechanism, and vocabulary. The result of this research is that most of the students have difficulty in grammar. Based on data the questionnaire 90% of students stated difficulties in the grammar aspect, and supported by data from the test that the lowest average score of students in the grammar aspect is 71. It can be concluded that the highest difficulty of students when writing recount text is grammar.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) STUDENTS’ RESPONSE TO SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION 2024-02-21T01:53:11+00:00 Siti Ani Rissa San Rizqiya <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the students' response towards the teaching of reading comprehension using small group discussion. This research involved seventh grade students of a junior high school in Bogor consisting of 28 students. The research used the descriptive qualitative method. To get the data, the researchers used the questionnaire. The assessment of the questionnaire grids were attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction. The result showed that the average index score was 81.93 based on the interval chart 80% - 100% this score was very good. It could be concluded that students gave positive response to the use of small group discussion technique.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF YOUTUBE VIDEO TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ GRAMMAR ABILITY 2024-02-21T01:56:06+00:00 Hanna Safira Delyuzar Aseptiana Parmawati <p>YouTube is the world’s considerable and most influential footage website. Students who use YouTube will be easier to get the information in learning. The aims of the research was to get on a significant outgrowth of utilize YouTube video to improve the students’ grammar ability. This research was quantitative, and it was conducted using a pre-experimental design, specifically a pre-test-post-test design with one group. The study focus was on seventh-grade students from Cimahi Junior High Schools in academic year 2020/2021 with a total sample was 36 students. In gathering data, the researcher used test and SPSS system to assay the contain data. The outcome revealed that value with data of post-test that mean score of pre-experimental post-test (88,75) was considerable than pre-test (72,50), and the worth of the paired T-test (0.000) was underneath than 0.05. In other words, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted because the method of learning YouTube video significant to improve students’ grammar ability.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) TYPES OF SLANG FOUND IN SONG LOWKEY BY NIKI 2024-02-21T01:58:10+00:00 Nur Aprianti Hanifah Anita Anggraeni <p>Slang word is an informal words, phrases, and expressions that often used between people who already close to each other. Slang words often used in daily conversation in a group of people or in literary work such as book, movies, or song. In this research, the researcher attempt to analyze slang words that used in a song. Lowkey by Niki is chosen as a subject of the research. Descriptive qualitative was used in this research.The result of the research shown that there are 22 slang words found in the lyric. From 22 slang words, 4 words are considered as fresh and creative type, 7 words are categorized as flippant, 4 words are imitative type, and 7 words are classified as clipping.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ READING SPEED OF RECOUNT TEXT AT X GRADE SMK PLUS KARYA BAKTI PERTIWI 2024-02-21T02:00:09+00:00 Resti Nuraeni Isry Laila Syathroh <p>This research analyzes students’ reading speed of recount text at tenth-grade students of SMK Plus Karya Bakti Pertiwi. The researchers used qualitative descriptive method to analyze the data. The subject of this research was 30 students of eleventh-grade students in SMK Plus Karya Bakti Pertiwi. The instrument in this research was a reading test of recount text. The researchers used a stopwatch to count the time while students were reading the text. Based on the reading speed test, the typical speed of reading students revealed that three students could read 100-149 words per minute (wpm) in slow category, and other 27 students can only obtain 50-99 wpm in very slow category. In summary, the skill of reading speed students at X grade in SMK Plus Karya Bakti Pertiwi was very slow.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY IN NARRATIVE TEXT USING PICTURE SERIES 2024-02-21T02:02:38+00:00 Putri Indah Sari Thathit Manon Andini Ida Feri Prihatin Bayu Hendro Wicaksono <p>Writing is one of the language skills in learning English that is closely related to the text and must be mastered by high school students. One of the texts is a narrative text which focuses on entertaining the readers. This research aimed to analyze the improvements in students’ writing ability to write narrative text by using picture series. The research method is categorized as classroom action research which was conducted in two cycles. The student’s writing ability is examined by checking five aspects of writing which was contents, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. This study found that the use of picture series in learning narrative text has had a positive impact on improving students' writing ability. Regarding the analysis of students' work from pre-cycle until cycle II, the data indicated that the use of picture series has an impact to develop students’ writing through the improvement of the mean score in contents, organizations, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 AN ANALYSIS OF LEXICAL SEMANTIC MEANING IN ALBUM “LOVER” BY TAYLOR SWIFT 2024-02-21T02:04:55+00:00 Zulaikah Zulaikah Nurul Hasanah Dwi Astuti Endang Komsatun <p>Language serves as a medium for communicating messages, whether through spoken or written means. An in-depth analysis of the meaning of words, phrases, and a sentences is crucial as it enhances the clarity of communication and allows for different perspectives on semantics. The term "song" typically refers to a form of literary expression that encompasses various types of creative writing, such as poetry, theatre, fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and songwriting. This study involves the analysis of literary works, such as songs. The writer selects four tracks from Taylor Swift's album "Lover": "Lover," "Daylight," "Cruel Summer," and "London Boy." The writers selected these songs because to their intriguing nature, which warrants more examination and in-depth analysis. This study employed a descriptive qualitative technique. The investigation yielded 12 data points that have both lexical and contextual significance.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 AN ANALYSIS FORM AND MEANING OF ONOMATOPOEIA IN “EGGNOID” DIGITAL COMIC 2024-02-21T06:13:33+00:00 Zulaikah Zulaikah Satria Andrianto Reni Reni Iis Juliana <p>This research describes the types of violations found in the film "Rudy Habibie" which uses Rudy as the main character. This pragmatic research approach uses descriptive methods. Data collection was carried out by watching films, writing down conversations so that a script could be made, then after collecting the data containing maxim violations into a table. Data analysis was carried out by grouping data based on type, strategy and function of maxim violation, analyzing and describing data results based on Grice's theory. The research results concluded that there were four types of maxim violations as follows: 23.27% violated the maxim of quantity, 58.62% violated the maxim of quality, 13.8% violated the maxim of relevance, and 4.31% violated the maxim of manner. Of the 116 data on maxim violations contained in films, maxim violations are violations committed by the main character with a percentage of 58.62% out of 100%.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE EFFECT OF GENIALLY ON STUDENTS’ READING SKILL 2024-02-21T06:15:12+00:00 Tharissa Rahmanda Syafitri Wahyu Diny Sujannah <p>This pre-experimental study aimed to know the effect of Genially on students’ reading skill. This study only focus on students’ reading skills improvement. The participants were 34 tenth-grade Academic Hospitality students in one of the State Vocational High Schools in Malang. The data had been using one group to be tested. This research used pre-test and post-test as the instruments and the participants were given treatment in the form of using Genially as the teaching tool in learning reading. The data were tested by using normality on SPSS 26 version. The findings showed that Genially was effective in improving students’ skills in reading recount texts because they were interested to the interactive design and willing to read the texts. Thus, it is recommended that English teachers use Genially to teach reading inside and outside classroom through interactive presentation and gamification as teaching media to engage students’ motivation. Furthermore, it is also suggested that future researchers investigate the students’ perspective on using Genially to improve their reading skill.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 BOOSTING THE ENGLISH VOCABULARIES THROUGH “CUBLAK- CUBLAK SUWENG” FOR YOUNG LEARNERS IN HYBRID CLASSROOM 2024-02-21T06:17:02+00:00 Daniar Sofeny Fariq Shiddiq Tasaufy Annis Rahmawati <p>The digital era brings young learners play technology based online games more than the traditional games. Whereas, they contain many individual and passive elements. The purposes of this research were to know the implementation of “Cublak-cublak Suweng” as modified traditional game in increasing the English vocabularies of young learners in hybrid classroom. The second, to know the students’ perception in playing Cublak-cublak Suweng in their classroom. The research used descriptive qualitative method with purposive sampling. Thirty elementary school students participated in the research. The research used tests, interviews, observation, and documentations for data collection techniques. The result showed that “Cublak-cublak Suweng” as modified traditional game gave a positive impacts on learning and boosting students’ vocabularies of English. It was seen from 72% of students having a ‘very good and excellent” level. In the score range of 80-90. Second, the perception of students stated that “Cublak-cublak Suweng” is effective learning strategy in English vocabularies classroom. So, “Cublak-cublak Suweng” is effective to use in boosting the English vocabularies of young learners in hybrid classroom.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ISLAMIC CLASSROOM PASSWORDS TO INVIGORATE YOUNG LEARNERS’ ENTHUSIASM ON LEARNING ENGLISH 2024-02-21T06:19:06+00:00 Triastama Wiraatmaja Kharisma Naidi Warnanda Sabgini Agista Nidya Wardani <p>Developing and composing Islamic Classroom passwords that is unique to the teaching and learning English deemed required for young learners. Therefore, this research emphasizes the significance of utilizing classroom passwords to pique young learners’ enthusiasm to learn English, especially Islamic-related classroom passwords. In addition, the Islamic Classroom Passwords were available in Bahasa and English. Afterwards, the community service team will assign the teachers to conduct the opening and closing lines of Islamic Classroom Passwords. Therefore, this kindergarten will possess distinctive qualities compared to other schools. The result showed that the classroom passwords were created and implemented to set the school's lessons apart from those of other schools. According to the plan, the students were engaged in the teachings since they were related to the classroom passwords. The teachers could also apply them. In conclusion, using Islamic Classroom Passwords can be a valuable tool for enhancing young learners' interest in learning English and helping them connect their faith with their language instruction. This approach can contribute to a more engaging and meaningful learning experience for students, promoting the integration of Islamic values in English language teaching.</p> <p> </p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN WATCHING YOUTUBE AND THEIR LISTENING ABILITY 2024-02-21T06:21:11+00:00 Arya Bagus Malik Fajar Iman Santoso <p>YouTube as an instructive device has been as of late getting a lot of consideration from scientists and educators. The concentrate being referred to consequently researches this peculiarity. The motivation behind this exploration is to figure out understudies' advantage in watching YouTube. The information assortment procedure utilized in this exploration is a quantitative technique. The complete populace taking the test is class VII of SMK PGRI 1 Cianjur. This data was collected through surveys and tests, then the data was collected using a relationship test. Considering the outcome of assessment data, there was a connection between's students interest in watching Youtube video and their capacity to tune in. The specialists Reason that understudies' advantage in watching Youtube recordings influences their listening skill in view of the discoveries and understanding gave previously. The researchers recommended using an English song's music video as a teaching tool because the research showed that interest plays a crucial role in students' learning processes, particularly in developing their listening skills. Due to the students' interest in the music video, it might advance and lay out a charming educational experience. Subsequently, the understudies will take part effectively in class and not get exhausted in light of the fact that they are excited about the topic.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ROLE-PLAY TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS FOR EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS 2024-02-21T06:23:05+00:00 Bilqis Adzkar Efransyah <p>This research aims to examine the effectiveness of the Role Play technique in learning speaking for eighth-grade students. This research used a quantitative method with pre-experimental one-group. This studys’ subjects were all 21 students in class VIII. The data was collected through a pretest and the posttest was assisted by IBM SPSS 25. This study used a test as an instrument. The result of this study can be seen in the data, which shows that the average pretest score is 0.122 and the average posttest score is twenty-one students (100%) were in the insufficient category. While the posttest that the students’ achievement in experimental classes students’ in post-test increased. Five students’ (24%) got excellent, two students’ (10%) got very good, five students (24%) got good, two students (10%) got sufficient, and seven students’ (32%) got insufficient. The result of this study also can be seen in the data SPSS, which shows that the average pretest score is 0.122 and the average posttest score is 0.143. Normality test asymp. sig. (2 talled), 0.122 of pretest and 0.143 on posttest, data was normal. T-test value (sig) of (2-tailed) is 0.000, that means the significant value is less than 0.05. The conclusion from this study is that there is effectiveness in using roleplay techniques to improve speaking skills because the teacher knows how to make the class interesting, exciting and creates an active class using the role play technique.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 AN ANALYSIS OF CLASSROOM INTERACTION PATTERNS APPLIED BY A THAI ENGLISH TEACHER IN AN ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNER CLASSROOM AT SUANSANTI SCHOOL IN BANGKOK 2024-02-21T06:24:59+00:00 Azizah Mutiara Surono Surono <p>Classroom interactions are believed to play important role in determining the success of teaching and learning process. This study aims to find the types of classroom interaction pattern applied by a Thai English teacher in an EYL classroom, show the dominant pattern applied, and reveal the impacts of applying the classroom interaction patterns applied to the EYL teaching and learning. The descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. The data were gained through classroom observation and semi-structured interview involving a Thai English teacher and 42 students in class 5/2 elementary school at Suansanti school, Bangkok. This study used video recording, as the data collecting technique and analyzed by adapted Miles’ et al. (2014) procedures. The results indicate that there were five classroom interaction patterns applied by the Thai English teacher. Three dominant patterns applied were choral responses (36.52%), teacher talk (27.54%), and close-ended teacher questioning (26.96%). The patterns applied lead to the positive impacts including build a sense of comfort and belonging, promote students’ motivation, and enhance social development. However, the overuse of the pattern limits students’ individual expression and peer-to-peer interaction, leading to negative impact such as passive participation.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE ROLES OF TEACHER SUPPORTING GROUP FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2024-02-21T06:26:47+00:00 Syella Ardani Syaid Hagung Buwono Khairunnas Nur Putranto Eka Puspita Dewi Iin Inawati <p>One of the most important factors in enhancing a teacher's knowledge, attitudes, and abilities is professional development. With the implementation of a new curriculum by the government, Teacher Supporting Group role in enhancing teachers' professionalism is becoming more crucial. The purpose of this study is to determine roles of the English Teacher Supporting Group will support the professional development of teachers in Yogyakarta's elementary schools during the academic year 2022/2023. In the study, five English teachers from different accessible schools participated. In addition, the research was descriptive qualitative that uses questionnaires to gather information from the participants. Open-ended questionnaires were used as the method of data collection. The outcomes show that Teacher Supporting Group offers the Teacher Professional Development many advantages. First, through the activities conducted by Teacher Supporting Group, the teacher felt the significant contribution in helping them to gain Teacher Professional Development. Second, the improvement of educational quality is directly correlated with the professionalism of teachers. However, certain aspects need to be improved, such as including the research of the training requirements for teachers, the provision of long-term post-training monitoring, and the development of simple and efficient procedures for the administration of the school. Further research should concentrate on enhancing the aforementioned elements as a direction for future study.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STUDENTS’ WRITING ACHIEVEMENT IN REPORT TEXT BY USING ROLE AUDIENCE FORMAT TOPIC (RAFT) STRATEGY 2024-02-21T06:28:30+00:00 Hastuti Retno Kuspiyah Muntamah Muntamah Dwi Andriani <p>This study that conducteid to deiteirminei wheitheir theirei is any significant diffeireincei beitweiein studeints who arei taught by using Rolei, Audieincei, Format, Topic (RAFT) Strateigy and studeints who arei taught by using conveintional strateigy in teiaching writing achieiveimeint. Thei study useid quantitativei reiseiarch by using eixpeirimeintal meithod and quasi-eixpeirimeintal deisign. Meianwhilei, thei population is thei eileiveinth gradei studeints by thei samplei around 47 studeints.Thei sampeil was takein by using purposivei sampling, consist of control group with 23 studeints and eixpeirimeintal group with 24 studeints. Moreiveir, teichnique i of colleicting thei data useid thei writtein teist that givein twicei prei-teist and post-teist, and thei analyzing data useid by Indeipeindeint samplei t-teist by using SPSS 16. Baseid on thei statistic analysis, it was found that thei valuei of significant (2-taileid) is 0.000, whilei thei meian of sig.(2-taileid) leiss than 0,05. Theireiforei, thei finding of this study showeid that theirei is a significant diffeireincei beitweiein eixpeirimeintal group and control group. Theireiforei, thei writeir concludeid that Rolei, Audieincei, Format, Topic (RAFT) strateigy is influeinceis in teiaching writing achieiveimeint.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EFL NOVICE TEACHERS’ EMOTION REGULATION IN INDONESIAN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS: EMOTIONAL LABOR 2024-02-21T06:29:41+00:00 Gloria Gloria Concilianus Laos Mbato <p>Teachers’ emotions can impact the classroom’s learning atmosphere and affect students’ motivation and engagement. By involving emotional labor, teachers can pursue their professional goals, such as teaching effectively and maintaining a positive relationship with students and colleagues. This study explored the emotional labor of EFL novice teachers at different levels of schools using the Critical Incident Technique (CIT) to collect data and establish triangulation using an open-ended FGD questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Six EFL novice teachers in Indonesian primary and secondary schools were purposefully chosen as the participants of this study. Thematic analysis was employed to code and organize the themes when assessing the data. The findings showed that EFL beginner teachers used various emotional labor strategies depending on their teaching experiences, the nature of interactions, and their relationships with students, parents, and colleagues. Surface acting was visible when teachers needed to hide their negative emotions while displaying positive ones. Still, deep acting was more prominent when teachers demonstrated empathy and sincerity in their interactions. Therefore, understanding emotional labor strategies will enable novice teachers to improve their well-being and effectiveness in the classroom. The study suggested future research on EFL teachers’ emotional experiences, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of both experienced and novice teachers’ emotional labor.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN A SHORT STORY ENTITLED “AN ANGEL IN DISGUISE” 2024-02-21T06:32:59+00:00 Dwi Iswahyuni Sri Rejeki Angela Bayu Pertama Sari Devita Widyaningtyas Yogyanti <p>This study endeavored to find out the types of figurative language in a short story entitled “An Angel in Disguise” and the most frequent occurrence of the figurative language type. This short story was chosen because it contained good moral values. The method employed in this study was a descriptive qualitative method. The steps in analyzing data in this study encompassed reading the short story, looking for the phrases or sentences that belonged to figurative language, classifying those phrases or sentences based on the types of figurative language, interpreting the figurative language found, drawing the conclusions. The results showed that there were several types of figurative languages found in the short story. They were personification, metaphor, hyperbole, and simile. Moreover, the most frequent occurrence was hyperbole. The use of exaggeration (hyperbole) in the short story can make the readers excited in reading it and avoid the readers’ boredom. Furthermore, this short story can be used as learning materials for Senior High School students as it can enrich students’ insights about narrative text and how to make a story interesting.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DEVELOPING ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM IN STBA JIA 2024-02-21T06:34:35+00:00 Winda Lutfiyanti Ade Surista Esterria Romauli <p>This research aimed to design and develop an assessment design commensurate with English for Teaching along with Applied English, English Critical Thinking, Practice, and Report courses in English Literature Department of STBA JIA. Using Research and Development referring to ADDIE model proposed by Branch (2010), this research includes analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The instruments used are interview, questionnaire, and observation. The assessment design covers five mechanism including formulation of learning targets, selection and form assessment instruments, implementation of the assessment, procedure of measurement, and report of assessment result.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DEVELOPING STUDENT’S SCIENTIFIC LITERACY BY INCORPORATING LOCAL TERMS AND SOCIOCULTURAL PHENOMENA INTO SCIENCE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS 2024-02-21T06:36:29+00:00 Rizky Purnawati <p>The lack of integration between science and culture, students' social-life and science experiences, as well as between students' sociocultural and science world, creates a "gap" between both aspects. When students fail to transition their school science situation and knowledge to real-life cultural experience or vice versa, they refuse to learn science deeper because science might threaten their sociocultural beliefs. As a further consequence, this condition will result in low scientific literacy. It is essential to increase students' scientific and cultural literacy because it helps young generation to marry science and culture effectively. Based on literature review done by the author, it shows that integrating local language and sociocultural phenomena into science classrooms can enhance students' motivation and interest in science and increase learning achievement. Connecting more students' social-cultural aspects, particularly language and life experience, can help to increase scientific literacy.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STUDENTS’ OPINION ON NON-ENGLISH SUBJECTS TAUGHT IN UNIVERSITY: A DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH 2024-02-21T06:38:18+00:00 Rafi Aryasutha Rizky Surya Ramadhan Muhammad Khoirul Anwar Lestari Budianto <p>There is constant discussion in the English department regarding the study of non-English courses. The purpose of this study is to find out what the students think about taking non-English courses in the English department. This research used a descriptive qualitative research method involving 9 participants who were first-semester students in the English department at K.H. University. Abdul Chalim. The results of this research reveal that there are two parties, namely supporting and rejecting. Each party has its reasons. However, this research is limited in the variety of research participants. Therefore, it is recommended that future research be able to conduct similar research by increasing the variety of participants.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EXAMINING BING AI AS A SOLUTION TO EFL WRITING FEEDBACK CHALLENGES 2024-02-21T06:40:45+00:00 Zainurrahman Zainurrahman Rojab Siti Rodliyah <p>This study aims to examine Bing AI (also known as Bing Chat or Copilot) as a feedback agent, focusing on responses to predetermined prompts related to the content score of a research abstract. Two prompts were systematically input, resulting in extended non-corrective feedback from Bing AI which was sensitive to the prompt wording. This study was motivated by challenges in EFL writing feedback provision. Difficulties that teachers face, limitations of peer feedback, and potential drawbacks of Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) tools were briefly discussed. The results indicate that Bing AI is a promising feedback agent, offering insights into overcoming challenges in feedback provision, specifically in EFL writing instruction. The limitations of the study are also briefly discussed, as well as recommendations for future studies.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A STUDY ON MULTICULTURAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN SPEAKING ENGLISH: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS 2024-02-21T06:45:52+00:00 Nisa Usy Syakiroh Syifaur Rahma Aulia Frilli Afrillia Heni Carolyn Ana Asidikia Lestari Budianto <p>The ability to speak English is a skill that is difficult to master. Some problems must be faced by someone who wants to master these skills, including multicultural students. This research aims to investigate the problems faced by multicultural students and find solutions that can be applied to deal with these problems. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. This research involved three students from various majors and cultures. This research data was collected through observation and interviews. The results of this research show that there are three problems, namely those related to a less supportive language environment, lack of self-confidence, and lack of opportunities to practice speaking English. The results of this research also reveal the existence of solutions to these problems. The solutions are to form a community, find practice friends, and submit mandatory and non-compulsory courses to campus. However, this research is limited in the number and variety of participants. Therefore, it is recommended for future research to conduct research on similar topics but to increase the variety of research participants.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 NON-ENGLISH STUDENTS’ STRATEGIES IN IMPROVING THEIR SPEAKING SKILLS 2024-02-21T06:55:50+00:00 Riska Azisah Rezki Awalia Ardiana Ishmah Afifah <p>The importance of speaking skills in learning English has prompted this research to explore the strategies applied by non-English students. In this context, this research aims to explore the strategies used by non-English students to improve their speaking skills in English. Using a qualitative approach, this research involved in-depth interviews as a data collection method. The instrument used in this research was an interview guide. The interview guide was prepared based on the research objective, namely to find out what strategies non-English students use to improve their speaking skills. A total of 10 non-English-majoring students from various departments were selected at university Muhammadiyah of Makassar as research subjects. From the results of the interviews conducted, there were two strategies used by students to improve their speaking skills, namely: internal strategies and external strategies. Internal strategies include: self-speaking practice, committing to memorizing vocabulary every day, shadowing technique, read news articles in English, language switching strategies and determining speaking time. Meanwhile, the external strategy includes: getting used to communicating with family and friends using English (a natural communication strategy); taking an English course, forming a friendship circle. Knowing the students’ strategies in enhancing their speaking skills, teachers can integrate them into their learning in the speaking classroom.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ENHANCING SPEAKING SKILL IN EFL SETTING IN WEST BORNEO: A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN ROLE PLAY AND DEBATE 2024-02-21T06:57:22+00:00 Efrika Siboro Antonius Setyawan Sugeng Nur Agung Elva Utami Allvian Ika Fiki Susanto Oxtapianus Tawarik Titis Dewi Cakrawati <p>This study aims to determine the difference between using role-play and debate methods on students' speaking skills in English subject. This study is quantitative research with a comparative study method. The sample of this study was the students of XI IIS3 and XI MIA1 at one of the top-favourite private schools in one of the developed regencies in West Borneo. The researchers applied a performance test to collect the data while the T-test was used to analyze the data. The result revealed there was a significant difference between using role-play and debate toward the students' speaking skills. It can be seen from the significant difference in the comparison of their average values. In the role-play method, the average value is 62.11 while in the debate is 51.82. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of the role-play method is better than the debate method in an EFL setting. However, this study realizes that it happens because the role-play method offers a flexible chance for the students to ask for help during the preparation of the speech production.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FACTORS CAUSING READING COMPREHENSION DIFFICULTIES AMONG THE SEVENTH GRADERS 2024-02-21T06:59:05+00:00 M. Wahyu Ibrahim Umar Abdullah Hariana Amalia <p>The purpose of this study was to explore the factors causing reading comprehension difficulties. This study used a qualitative method with a case study research design to describe the factors causing reading comprehension difficulties among the seventh grade students in Palembang. The data were collected through structured interviews with four students and analyzed thematically. The study found five factors contributing to students' difficulties in reading comprehension, including problems with understanding long sentences, the use of poor reading strategies, lack of concentration, house environment, and school environment. This study provided suggestions for teachers and students. Teachers should use creative teaching methods and emphasize the development of all four language skills to make learning more interesting. Students should improve their English by enriching their vocabulary, using effective reading comprehension strategies, and seeking support from parents.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024