
  • Siti - Hindun Graduate Mathematics Education, IKIP Siliwangi
  • Yani Eka Sapitri Graduate Mathematics Education, IKIP Siliwangi
  • Euis Eti Rohaeti Lecture in Postgraduate Mathematics Education, IKIP Siliwangi


Kata Kunci:

Mathematical Connection Ability (MCA), Self-Efficacy (SE), Problem Based Learning Approach with Multimedia (PBLM)


This study aims to describe the increasement differences of mathematical connection ability (MCA) and differences in self-efficacy (SE) of students in both classes, and the relation of  SE and MCA. The method of this research use quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects of the study were 50 students from two classes in the seventh grade determined purposively from one of the schools in Cimahi City. The research instrument consisted of MCA tests and SE scales. Data analysis carried out was percentage calculation, mean difference test, and Pearson correlation test at 5% significance level. The conclusion of the results of this study states that there was a difference in the increasement in MCA between students in both classes in the medium category, where the increasement in MCA of students learning using the PBL approach with multimedia (PBLM) was better than students who used the PBL approach only. There were no differences in SE of students in both research classes and were in a low category. There is a positive relation between SE and MCA in the medium category.

Biografi Penulis

Siti - Hindun, Graduate Mathematics Education, IKIP Siliwangi

Mathematics education graduate student IKIP Siliwangi

Yani Eka Sapitri, Graduate Mathematics Education, IKIP Siliwangi

Mathematics education graduate student IKIP Siliwangi

Euis Eti Rohaeti, Lecture in Postgraduate Mathematics Education, IKIP Siliwangi

IKIP Siliwangi


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