
  • Duma Rawaty Simamora Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Arsen Nahum Pasaribu Universitas HKBP Nommensen



This study  purposes to reveal out the error on the application of verb tenses found in English text book.  The research is based on mixed method: qualiatative and quantitative descriptive. The object of the study is English text book grade VII entitle Buku Teks Pendamping Bahasa Inggris. The data were analysed based on error analysis put forward by Dulay. The findings show that the tenses were found in the textbook consisting of  present tense (simple present tense, present progressive, present perfect); past tense (simple past); future tense (simple future), which is the dominant types of verb tenses is present pense, the use of verb tenses errors found in English textbook based on surface strategy are classified into errors of omission, errors of addition, errors of misformation, and errors of misordering. A total of 40 errors was found in the text book. They are: the addition error is the highest (23 or 57.50 % of 40 total errors), addition error (9 or 22.50 % of 40 total errors), misformation error (5 or 12.50 % of 40 total errors), and misordering error (3 or 7.50% of 40 total errors). Omission error is the most dominant frequent errors made by the writer of the textbook. It is followed by addition error, misformation error and the lowest frequency is misordering errors. The writing errors identified in the textbook may be caused by the lack of  editing process. This research has an implication that the book publishers are expected to pay more attention to the editing process prior to the publication.


Keywords:  Error Analysis, Surface Category, Textbook


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