
  • Rasi Yugafiati IKIP Siliwangi






Entrepreneurship education is increasingly popular, as policymakers recognize the necessity for campus graduates to be hired. Not everyone has the ability to work as a civil servant. As a result, it is critical to educate skills such as entrepreneurship so that students have no trouble finding work after graduation. The purpose of this study is to determine the teaching of entrepreneurship in the English education department during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research also explores insights about empowering students' skills in earning income through social media. The key data studied in this qualitative descriptive study is the development of student skills in selling goods or services before and after taking an entrepreneurship course. Thirty-six students from the sixth semester of English Education at IKIP Siliwangi participated in this study. The information was gathered by observation, questionnaire, and interview. The majority of the participants (94 percent) agreed that they gained life skills for market communication after taking the entrepreneurship course. Furthermore, 83 percent of students who currently operate an online store reported that their revenue has greatly grown. In conclusion, an entrepreneurship course benefits students by providing them with the option to achieve financial independence even amid the covid-19 pandemic. That benefit hopefully will be very useful in their real life situation.


Keywords:  Entrepreneurship, COVID-19 pandemic, English Education

Biografi Penulis

Rasi Yugafiati, IKIP Siliwangi

English Education Department



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